Saturday, February 18, 2012

ప్రాచీన సాహిత్యం తెలుగు అమరావతి స్తూపంలో గల '' నాగబు'' శబ్దం తో ప్రారంభం అయ్యింది.

ప్రాచీన సాహిత్యం తెలుగు  అమరావతి స్తూపంలో గల '' నాగబు'' శబ్దం తో ప్రారంభం అయ్యింది.
Language evolves along with culture.  It imbibes the elements of culture in the form of literature and hands over  to future generations.  There is no language devoid of culture. Similarly no culture can hand over its characteristics to future generations sans language. The fundamental shape of language is literature. Evolution of literature is an important transit point in the long strides of language. It is the richness of literature that defines the greatness of a language, not its acoustics
The Central Government has at last awarded Classical Language Status for Telugu on 1st November, 2008 on the occasion of the State Formation Day. Ms. Ambika Soni, minister of Cultural Affairs announced that this status was conferred on Kannada also as Karnataka also celebrated the state formation day on 1st November, 2008. Now Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu and Kannada have been conferred the status of classical languages.

Tirupathy and Srirangam Gopuram Gold Layer by Shivappa Nayaka

 Tirupathy and Srirangam Gopuram Gold Layer by Shivappa Nayaka ÜsÁT|ŸÜ`lsÁ+>·+ýË“ $eÖq >Ã|ŸÚs\Å£” ‹+>±sÁT |ŸPÔá |ŸPsTT+ºq ¥e|ŸÎ H...