damodhar rao TV show on TV DX
damodhar rao TV show on TV DX
damodhar rao TV show on TV DX
· Discovered TV Dxing in India (Only Doordarshan was transmitting in 1980)Seen Bahrain, Dushanbe, Aramco, Malaysia, Kashmir, Kiev,,, with the help of signal booster and sunspots propagation.
damodhar rao TV show on TV DX
· Discovered TV Dxing in India (Only Doordarshan was transmitting in 1980)Seen Bahrain, Dushanbe, Aramco, Malaysia, Kashmir, Kiev,,, with the help of signal booster and sunspots propagation.
My TV interview on this subject was transmitted by DD on 16 May 1980
1.RgVedic mythology and Vedic astronomical data.
2.Calculated the speed of light from Rgveda and Mahabharata.
3.In 1979, at age of 20. Conducted a Seminar and a Debate on Vedic Science, which was appreciated by Prime Minister Office vide letter on 11 July 1986 ,by a message from PMO signed by H.Y.Sharada Prasad
4.From a Vaishanavite family and my grandfather was the head of our cult in Nizam dominion. We have a statue of him in our house.
5. Saint Markandeya his Handloom and weaving technology in ancient world from 1000BC.
6. Safeguarding recording Vedic documents, oral methodology.
7. Study of Brahmi and comparative words found in the ancient linguistics to help us in giving ultimate linguistic proof on Vedic lore.
8. Attempting to correlated RgVedic astronomy, Geography, astrology and historical facts.
9. Preservation of Vedic items by de-foxing for Vedic books, palmleaf, rock, tamra patra documentary